Press Release...........

New KönigOutdoor showroom at Sky House Design Centre

By 30 March, 2023 May 3rd, 2023 9 Comments

The new KönigOutdoor showroom at the Sky House Design Centre is the perfect starting point for any outdoor living project. The three beautiful outdoor kitchens, made with the most durable materials, feature an array of configurations and design elements to provide inspiration to the interior or garden designer, architect and homeowner.

The displays show a variety of sintered stone finishes, from classic marble to more industrial styles, and showcase various design options including handleless doors and drawers, a corner unit for a Kamado grill and a bar-style seating area with a granite worktop and cedar circular support.

Pictured is: 12mm handleless drawers in Estatuario (large-veined marble effect).


You can also view a selection of specialised outdoor appliances from leading brands including Fulgor, Kamado Joe, Blastcool, Vitrifrigo, Alfa Forni and Barazza.

Stan­dard size units have been designed to create a variety of configurations alongside offering bespoke ser­vices includ­ing cus­tom unit sizes and tailor-made

cabi­netry to per­fect­ly fit the cho­sen appli­ances.


A KönigOut­door kitchen is man­u­fac­tured to the very high­est spec­i­fi­ca­tion with internal carcasses made from a high-quality weatherproof composite board guaranteed for all seasons. Internal compartments have hygienic wipe-clean surfaces with fittings such as hinges and drawer runners from one of the world’s leading furniture component manufacturers.


The external sintered stone cladding not only exudes ele­gance and lux­u­ry but has the per­fect char­ac­ter­is­tics to with­stand the British weath­er, includ­ing high resis­tance to extreme temperatures and UV Light. It is also non-porous meaning that mould, bacteria or stains cannot penetrate the surface, making the worktops very easy to clean, resulting in a hygienic usable surface for food preparation.

Pictured is: L-shaped outdoor kitchen design with cupboards and drawers with handles in Neolith Zaha Silk (grey with veining), Kamado Joe grill (housed in raised corner unit and a Barazza Lid sink.


Each kitchen is made to order here in the UK, allowing the customer or designer to create a unique outdoor kitchen to exacting specifications. The outdoor kitchens can also be designed to accept mains services gas, water and electrical services for fully functional outdoor kitchens, outdoors.


To start planning a dream outdoor kitchen, please contact Sky House Design Centre to arrange an appointment.


Pictured is: KönigOutdoor island with 12mm handleless drawers in Estatuario (large-veined marble effect), 100mm black granite plinths, 30mm feature circular granite and B/Bar with cedar support.

Author Konigstone

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